WOD - Workout of the Day - 4
10 minutes Warm-up as needed. For example rowing, airbike, easy strength moves etc.
1, 1, 1, 1, 1 Bench Press (Bankdrücken) 100% of 1 RM for the last set (3-5 min rest)
3 x max Reps Strict Chin Ups (Klimmzüge) 1 min rest between sets.
3 x max Reps Dips (1 min rest between sets)
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:
5 Reps Push Press, 80kg / 50kg
10 Reps Push Ups (Liegestützen)
*10 Reps Jump Touches – 60cm
*For jump touches, set a mark 60cm above your highest reach. Mark that point and count a rep every time you touch the mark.
Post total rounds completed to comments.